En 1820, con la finalidad de “propagar las luces” y educar a la ciudadanía, nació el Ateneo Español. En 1835, y bajo la protección de la reina gobernadora María Cristina, surgió el Ateneo de Madrid, con la misma premisa de su antecesor: difundir la cultura a todos.
The Ateneo Español was born in 1820 with the purpose of “spreading the lights” and educating the citizenry. In 1835, under the protection of the queen governor María Cristina, the Ateneo de Madrid arose, with the same premise as its predecessor: to spread culture to all.
The Ateneo Español was born in 1820 with the purpose of “spreading the lights” and educating the citizenry. In 1835, under the protection of the queen governor María Cristina, the Ateneo de Madrid arose, with the same premise as its predecessor: to spread culture to all.